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tv   Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino  FOX News  April 11, 2022 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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busy in a few minutes. >> brian: that'll be fantastic. that's daryl johnston. he is an outstanding broadcaster executive. he is also running everything to do with the league. >> steve: now, there are 2 new jersey teams. the new jersey generals and the new jersey giants. >> ainsley: you can run to the radio. brian is on. see you . >> bill: good morning, everybody. hope you had a good weekend. productive in the northeast, right? i would argue very productive here. ifm owe bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino. "america's newsroom." a big weekend for news but you watched all the golf. all the golf. >> bill: kind of. >> dana: on the news in russia, the general's name is known as the butcher of syria for slaughtering women and children
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in cities like aleppo. his appointment indicating a chilling new phase. >> bill: a new assault on the ease. zelenskyy is urging nato before it's too late. >> if ukraine can receive such weapons it will help save lives of ordinary citizens and provide ukraine an opportunity to survive as a nation. help prevent other countries from being attacked by russia. >> dana: ukraine receiving a major show of support by boris johnson. he made a surprise appearance in kyiv walking in broad daylight with president zelenskyy. >> bill: they're prompting questions whether or not president biden would make a similar visit. white house says there are no plans to do so. >> dana: alex hogan is coming to us live from a western town outside of lviv. good morning, alex. >> good morning, bill and dana. this is a pilgrimage site for
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ukrainians. right now the monastery is a refugee site. in the last 24 hours russian troops are reinforcing captured territory and repeatedly been attacking the northeastern city of kharkiv with air strikes. new satellite images we have to show you of an 8 mile long convoy of hundreds of armored vehicles and tanks heading toward the donbas region. russian forces have also managed to take more territory in the southeastern city of mariupol. 90% of the town has been destroyed by constant shootings and bombings and meanwhile in the north outside of kyiv the fighting has leveled much of a town where residents are trying to find the bodies of their loved ones. >> my children have been under the rubble for 36 days. my daughter and son-in-law died.
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>> british prime minister boris johnson visited zelenskyy over the weekend pledging military and financial aid and he met with austria's chancellor and now he is meeting with russian president vladimir putin. he has intercepted russian troops communication laying out evidence of war crimes. more than 7.1 million people are displaced in ukraine according to the u.n. and here in this town refugees are finding a new home in the monastery. one woman telling me it took her 30 hours by car to get here from kyiv with her 3-year-old daughter as attacks took place along the way. >> some people said that we came here under the gut because they were bombing our town and we came to the safe place. >> there have been attacks on humanitarian convoys trying to get into contested areas like
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mariupol and actually the church that is playing a large role in trying to get these people out. priests bringing bus loads of people and thankfully many of those buses have not been stopped by russian checkpoints. bill and dana. >> dana: thank you. you can see spring is starting there in ukraine as well. hopefully there is hope there. >> bill: putin has lost a lot of generals. the appointment of this general is seen as a course correction by putin after a series of setbacks. the first leader to assume command of the entire russian army in ukraine previously led putin's forces on a deadly campaign in syria where he earned his reputation as a so-called butcher using chemical weapons and cluster bombs while deliberately targeting civilians. he is leading the siege on mariupol where russian forces bombed a maternity ward and theater. experts believe russia's attacks on civilians will significantly increase under
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his leadership. watch that new phase. >> dana: a fox news alert. multiple new reports say the federal investigation into hunter biden is picking up. alexandria hoff is live in washington for us. >> the financial structure of the biden family is appearing more intertwined perhaps with hunter biden at the helm. his laptop contains text messages where he griped to his daughter about having to share his earnings with his father. in a 2019 text exchange i hope you can do what i did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. it is hard. unlike pop, i won't make you give me half your salary. reporting also included an email between hunter and eric schumann from 2010. he served as the president of hunter biden's chinese linked investment firm. in it they discussed then vice
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president biden's future earning potential but it is hunter's earnings that led to the federal investigation ongoing now into the sources of that income. a week and a half ago the "washington post" confirmed what the "new york post" had. hunter biden and the president's brother rakeed in 4.8 million with a deal with a chinese energy company. here is jim jordan. >> it looks like joe biden was involved. it was a family operation including his uncle as i said before. remember what joe biden said in the debates 18 months ago. he said he didn't do anything wrong and hunter wasn't taking money with business interests to connection to china. 4.8 million reasons why that wasn't accurate. valley told usa today said hunter doesn't bear any responsibility for the conflict. she said her nephew walked through hell to battle addiction. >> dana: thank you.
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>> bill: from new jersey there the new sex education curriculum is outraging some parents. the plan requires first and second graders to learn about gender identity this coming fall. that includes instructions for teachers that tell students their gender identity is up to them. nate floyd, westfield, new jersey, live now. what's happening? good morning. >> good morning to you. starting in september kids as young as 6 years old in first grade in new jersey will have conversations about genitalia and how it relates to gender identity. parents we talked to said it's too young to have those discussions and when the talks happen they want to lead the talks, not teachers. i want to show you the changes to the state guidelines passed in 2020. this is the first year they will be implemented in the classroom. in westfield, new jersey, where we are now the school board released a lesson plan in
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accordance with the state guidelines called pink, blue and purple teaching first graders, quote, being a boy or a girl doesn't have to mean you have those parts but for most people this is how their bodies are. the spokesperson for westfield public schools told fox news digital this material is not the school district's plan but a sample list of resources. parents still say it is not right. >> i just thought that at 6 years old that could be a little confusing. and i just think that conversations like this should be had being held with parents. >> we shouldn't be judging other people but getting into these complex discussions at 6 and 7 years old is just concerning. >> fox news has reached out multiple times to governor phil murphy and the state department of education with a response as well as criticism from republican lawmakers. we haven't heard back. we have calls in this morning as well. governor murphy will be in
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morristown, new jersey at 11:00 this morning. we have somebody there and will be pushing for a response. if we get that we'll pass it along on air. >> bill: nate foye, westfield new jersey west of manhattan. >> dana: they have an advantage trying to get questions, do you know why? he is 6 foot 6. >> bill: you saw what happened in virginia and new jersey last november. >> dana: and florida. >> bill: you were on "fox news sunday" over the weekend. >> dana: mcconnell had thoughts of the mid-terms. listen here. >> the economy, the precipitous withdrawal from afghanistan, the domestic energy issue we've already been discussing, crime, problems in public education, this administration has really got its hands full and i think they are headed toward a pretty good beating in the fall election. >> dana: if you see some of the
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articles coming out in the last i would say in the last week you can see a sea change coming. suggesting a democrats don't have a way to fix it and they are making their own problems worse. >> bill: it was april 10 yesterday, right? i've been saving this piece. democrats should not panic but go into shock. that was november of last year. so that's four or five months ago right now. >> dana: you saved it for all of us that long? >> bill: there is a lot in here i want to chew on >> dana: it means a lot you would do that. it is very committed. >> bill: i just want to see whether or not this stuff stands. >> dana: a great point. >> bill: if it gets better or worse >> dana: it is not getting better. elon musk rejecting twitter's invitation to join their board of directors. kelly, people are waking up surprised at this news. >> yeah, quite a rollercoaster,
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dana. he won't be joining twitter's board. the company's biggest shareholder decline the invite saturday morning the day his appointment was set to take effect. there was a letter sent to twitter employees believe this is for the best. we will always value input from shareholders whether on our board or not. no reason was given, musk tweeted out the shocked emoji face, a message since deleted. in exchange for the influence of a board seat he would have been prevented of owning more than 14.9% of the company. last week they said his impact would be oversight. in a statement to fox business a twitter spokesman said our policy decisions are not determined by the board or shareholders. day-to-day operations and decisions are made by twitter management and employees. the shack-up comes as musk continued to troll twitter, suggestions from banning advertising on the platform to
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turning the twitter headquarters into a homeless shelter. just about everything has been deleted. mixed reactions across twitter to the news. some are sighing in relief. others called for musk to buy a controlling interest in the social media platform. that's something that musk can now do by declining the seat. he still is the company's biggest shareholder. his next move is unclear. the one message he left up from the weekend tirade questioned whether twitter is dying. not the last we've heard of this. >> dana: definitely not. >> bill: still a first time winner making his mark at the masters on sunday. >> scheffler outshines them all at augusta. >> bill: a new american star. scotty scheffler holding off the competition. new jersey native, grew up in
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dallas, finished 10 under par for the green jacket. meanwhile tiger woods defied expectations and played all four rounds. 14 months after he nearly lost list helping in a car accident. he finished 13 over par but he did it. he said lots of ice every night. we know he will play at the british open in july. maybe a few in between, too. >> dana: very exuberant crowd. i watched the last 15 minutes before 60 minutes. i had a lot going on. okay? understood, all right. president biden under pressure to curb crime. what is a ghost gun and will his new rule stifle your second amount rights is >> bill: the actor johnny depp's trial against his wife begins in less than an hour. there are cameras in the courtroom. at the center of that suit an op-ed his ex wife published at
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the height of the #metoo movement. stay tuned. >> dana: first dr. fauci makes a complete 180 saying it is up to you to decide your own risk to covid after years of mandates and regulations. was it all a game of pandemic politics? robert redfield responds. >> we will see that each individual will have to make their calculation of the amount of risk they want to take. at liberty butchemel— cut. liberty biberty— cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. action. cut. you can't say that. [phone rings] sorry. is this where they're gonna put the statue of liberty? liberty... are we married to mutual? cut. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> dana: new york city mayor eric adams tests positive for covid-19. one of 72 people who tested positive after attending a high po fiel event in d.c. april 2nd. he has shaken hands with players and stopping by the
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morning joe set. love to have him here, too. and hitting the red carpet with robert deniro. he has a raspy voice as a symptom. that's a good thing. >> this is not going to be eradicated or eliminated. what is going to happen is we'll see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take. >> bill: so that's dr. fauci over the weekend changing his tune a bit saying each person will have to assess their own level of risk despite backing government restrictions for more than two years. former cdc director robert redfield and a medical advisor. good morning to you, sir. is he changing his tune? well, you can answer that. i want to share two headlines for you. march 20th, this year fauci says u.s. unlikely to see surge from new covid-19 variants. april 7th of this year three weeks later u.s. likely to see a surge of covid-19 in the fall.
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what changed? >> well, you know, i'm glad to see that dr. fauci, tony, has moved to embrace the idea that we need to be where we need to be. this is an individual decision to take responsibility for how they live their lives. the reality is the covid pandemic will be with us for the rest of time and we are going to have different times of risk and surge and we should each take responsibility for how we maintain our vaccination status, how we decide to live our life. when and if we decide to use a mask for other procedures. it really has to be moved in now to individual responsibility and choice. never been an advocate for mandates. >> bill: do you think we'll see a surge in the fall or is that water under the bridge hopefully? >> no, bill, i don't think it's water under the bridge. i don't think we'll see a
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significant surge now largely because so many of the population was infected with omicron the first period of omicron. so we have a high level of immunity from infection plus vaccination. but i do think we'll be at significant risk in the fall. that's why for two reasons one is i think we'll see the transmission of omicron 2 go way down. remember, natural immunity only lasts 3 to 4 months from natural infection. secondly, people will be further away from their third injection or fourth injection. i do think we need to be prepared for potential significant surge in the fall. it will probably be combined with flu. this will be a very difficult flu season. the mitigation steps we took for the last two years negated flu transmission. we have a highly susceptible population with flu. i think we will have a significant surge. >> bill: i hope you're wrong.
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we'll see. title 42 will be removed from the border in six weeks. why would that happen when you still have to wear a mask on a plane? >> you know, bill, i hope the cdc reconsiders this decision. a public health decision not a decision from washington politics. i instituted title 42 as a public health measure really to protect the health and well-being of the immigrants crossing the border that were being put in holding cells that really didn't have social distancing and the ventilation that we required at the time we didn't have vaccination. obviously it's a public health decision. i have a lot of confidence in the cdc but i think they need to reconsider and if they are going to remove it like they've said, be sure that we have appropriate holding facilities with appropriate social distancing and ventilation, with appropriate vaccination
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for the immigrants that we are doing it. i think it's premature for them to remove it. >> bill: last question about china. we came across this over the weekend. in shanghai they're on a lockdown of 20 million people plus. they've had 130 cases since the 1st of march and zero deaths. what do you think of beijing's decision here? >> well, first i think we know that lockdowns don't work. hopefully that we've learned that lesson for our own nation. they cause more harm at the end of the day than they do public health benefit. i think you've seen now that china zero tolerance for covid didn't seem to work with their huge outbreaks in hong kong and now shanghai. so i think -- related to deaths and infection i think it's difficult to know what accurate reporting we're seeing. much of the deaths from covid
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can be misclassified as deaths from a comorbidity. i don't think there is a huge difference in the morbidity and mortality in shanghai than new york city other than maybe the underlying degree of comorbidity. i think it is highly underreported what is really happening. >> bill: seems like lock downs are spreading in china, not less. thank you for coming on today. >> thanks, bill, thanks for having me. god bless you. >> dana: air travel prices are soaring as experts report a 40% rise in jet fuel prices this year. air fairs are expected to rise even higher ahead of the busy summer travel season. we're live at new york airport in new jersey. madison, people want to get out and about and ready to travel and want to see family and friends and the prices are going to pinch. >> the prices are going to pinch. as you can see from the line
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behind me it is not slowing people down. demand a very high. outpacing supply. some airlines will be reducing the number of flights they have. jetblue making that announcement after they had to cancel 300 flights this weekend. at coming at a time like you said when these air fare prices are higher than we've seen in a very long time. a lot from jet fuel and increased demand. 40% higher from earlier this year. and we're also expecting these prices to jump even more. experts were saying they would see a 6 to 7% increase through the summer. instead we're now expecting a 10% increase through june according to hopper. the average cost of a ticket today is $330. hopper didn't think we would hit that until june. so they were anticipating an increase in travel demand drieftion up the prices. what they didn't expect was the jump in jet fuel cost. >> jet fuel this summer is
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already 76% more expensive than it was this time last year. 40% more expensive than it was at the beginning of the year. so that hand in hand with demand is really driving this additional acceleration in prices. >> so now instead you can expect round-trip tickets in the u.s. to cost around $360 this summer. that's the most we've seen in around 10 years. if things continue on the path they are, dana, it could go higher. we continually get updated numbers from hopper. i've seen it jump in the 2 months i've been reporting. we'll have to see what happens next. >> dana: thank you, madison. glad you're on top of it. >> bill: there was an huge fire of a california home depot. check that out. russian rockets destroying an airport as an eight mile long russian military convoy sparks concerns in the east.
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general jack keane on the state of the war coming up next. >> the hell with the negotiating and the peace table. we need to help them defeat the russians, drive the russians from ukraine. if we allow this to settle into a stalemate all putin is going to do is keep taking more and more and more. merica. the groom's parents? they just found out they can redeem rewards for a second honeymoon. romance is in the air. like these two. he's realizing he's in love. and that his dating app just went up. must be fate. and phil. he forgot a gift, so he's sending the happy couple some money. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop banking. what would you like the power to do? can a company make the planet a better place? what if it's a company that's pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land.
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>> bill: jury selection for johnny depp's demmation trial set to begin outside of washington, d.c. he is suing his ex wife amber heard for an op-ed she wrote referring to herself as a victim of domestic abuse. david spunt live in fairfax county, virginia, where they'll select the jury very soon. good morning. >> bill: good morning to you. very soon members of the public behind me on my left hand shoulder waiting to catch a glimpse of amber heard or johnny depp. today's jury selection is a
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procedural day. the goal whittled down to jurors who don't have an opinion of johnny depp or amber heard or don't know much about the entire defamation saga lasting for several years. the actor waiting to arrive here in fairfax county just outside d.c. he is suing heard for $50 million after she wrote that 2018 op-ed in the "washington post" detailing her story of surviving domestic abuse. she did not mention depp by name. he says just days after the article disney dropped him from the role he created, captain jack sparrow and a future pirates of the caribbean movie. his career was devastated by this allegation. one of the biggest questions people asked about this trial, why is this in fairfax, virginia? do they live here? the answer is no. the op-ed was published in the "washington post" and the post is printed in virginia and the online servers were in virginia
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where the story was made to the world. >> i wrote about the price women continue to pay for speeng out against men in power. i continue to pay that price but hopefully when this case concludes i can move on and so can johnny. i've maintained a love for johnny and brings me great pain to live out the details of our past life together in front of the world. bill, the judge has scheduled six weeks for this trial. something notable will probably be dipping into the trial over the next few days and weeks. a judge in an unprecedented move in fairfax county is allowing cameras in the courtroom. we'll see both heard and depp on the stand. >> bill: there in fairfax county. >> have you won the battle of kyiv? >> kyiv. i think yes. but this isn't the final victory. bucha is part of greater kyiv.
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bucha and other towns. if the people of those towns were wiped out then did we win this battle? i'm not sure. >> dana: president zelenskyy reflecting on the human cost of russia's invasion as moscow refocuses its forces to be a brutal assault on eastern ukraine. let's bring back in general jack keane. thank you for being with us this morning. i thought that answer was very real, right? so we can look here in the west saying they kept kyiv but he has had to go and witness firsthand the savage re in bucha and wondering if they did win. what did you think of that? >> well, certainly as to what has taken place it is hard to describe victory when you have thousands of innocent civilians killed like that. certainly they did punish the russians certainly in kyiv and they forced their withdrawal and many of those units are reconstituting themselves, dana.
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but it gets to a problem, i think, that the united states and nato has to a certain degree. we have secretary blinken and we have the national security advisor sullivan talking about russia already suffering a strategic failure. and i think president zelenskyy would take issue with that because they are pummeling his cities. they have killed thousands, he believes now tens of thousands of his civilians. they are occupying more territory than what they did prior to the invasion. now, there has been some success in the north but to describe this as a strategic failure for the russians, i think it's in error and misplaced. the reason why they're doing it, dana, is because they want to see a deal made. they want an agreement made. i'm convinced that's where the united states leadership is and most of nato. boris johnson being the exception when he stood side-by-side with president zelenskyy and talked about
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victory and defeating the russians. zelenskyy believes the way to stop the killing and the atrocities is to drive the russians off his territory. that's what his objective is. i think we need to support that objective. he also said something very revealing in that interview over the weekend. this is president zelenskyy when he said your diplomacy, didn't specify a country, implied the united states and nato, your diplomacy is destroying my country. in other words, pushing towards a deal versus a victory. >> dana: what should we know about your thinking on this new general that's coming on the scene for russia? >> well, he has been there for six years, which is a very long time to be in command of the southern military district, which includes crimea and the donbas region. when war began on february 24th, he was in charge of the
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war in the donbas region in the south, which is his responsibility. so what has taken place is not new to him. i think the russians are making more out of this than what it needs to be because what's really taking place here is the war going forward at least in the upcoming weeks will all be fought in his district. all the reinforcements are coming to him and logical he would be put in charge of the whole war which is taking place largely in the very area he has been operating with anyway. certainly he has this experience in syria where he was responsible for certainly again sides and atrocities. but every russian general regardless of named would be executing that doctrine, which is to kill innocent civilians, to pressure and change the will of the population. and that is a way of war for them and it is despicable to watch it unfold before our eyes
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like this. >> dana: we'll no doubt talk to you multiple times this week as this war is not over. thank you. >> yes. >> bill: parents across the country fed up with ongoing covid restrictions and controversial material in schools. could their fight influence the mid-term elections? interesting question. wild video from the west coast. look at this huge fire engulfing a home depot. we'll tell you where. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪
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>> bill: there has been a huge five alarm fire engulfing a home depot in san jose, california. the smoke was so thick fire officials issued a shelter in place order. william la jeunesse covering the story. what was the cause? >> that's because of the poor air quality in the neighborhood people had to stay indoors. we've been in a crowded home depot on a saturday. this is what that was like as the fire broke out. >> get out of the building! get out of the building! >> so the store was pretty packed but everyone including employees got out safely. it started in the lumber department. three hours later nothing of that building was left. it did have sprinklers but
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paint and propane and plastic and wood. the fire overwhelmed that system. satellites in space actually picked up the heat signature. something you typically only see in wildfires. the cause remains under investigation. it is also the case a few miles north near san francisco where a sunday fire destroyed a commercial pier used to import toyotas and export from refineries. they saw flames on a conveyor belt that carried the coke and then the flames dropped to the pier and 24 hours later all that remained was a pile of charred timber and burned asphalt. it could impact gasoline prices here, very few refineries handle california gasoline. we'll see. >> amazing images. we're covering that today in l.a. >> dana: president biden expected to announce in new plan to crack down on ghost
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guns. untraceable firearms with no serial numbers. let's bring in andy mccarthy. former u.s. attorney and announce a new atf appointee since his last one flamed out. d.o.j. statistics show 24 thousand ghost guns were recovered by law enforcement at crime scenes. in new york that certainly has gone up with 131 recovered from january 1st through last wednesday. what do we need to know about this move by the biden administration? >> well, dana, it is really much aidoo about much. not much federal role -- a lot of federal firearms law. what you are talking about is, you know, making regulatory record keeping requirements which make it more difficult for law-abiding people to comply with the laws and obtain firearms. they don't really do anything as a practical matter with
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respect to the people you are actually worried about, the people who commit violent crimes. when i see this stuff i remember when i used to prosecute terrorism cases. when we give the discovery out in the terrorism cases it would always come with a warning that said if you distributed or disseminated this material without authorization of the court you could be held in contempt. and i used to sit there and think we have guys here who are mass murder attacks. you think they are worried about being held in contempt of court? you have people committing violent crime with firearms and, you know, if you didn't have record keeping regulations on ghost guns you would go back to what you had before they were ghost guns. you have serial number requirements and when you get to the violent crime cases what we used to get were guns that had a serial numbers obliterated. it doesn't stop violent crime
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but allows them to say we're against gun trafficking. >> bill: andy, let's show our viewers, dana mentioned new york. new york specifically year-to-date. major crimes up 44 rs shooting victims up 14 1/2, shootings 13, robbery 47 for new york. chicago year-to-date through april 3 total crime up 36% in chicago. l.a. up about 7%. robbery up almost 18. if the president is going to write a new rule, can that rule be effective given your previous answer, or will it be challenged and ultimately be mute? >> well, bill, it will be challenged. whether it will be mute. i doubt it will be mute. there is a lot of authority to the idea that federal government can impose serial number requirements. to go your basic question, the important question, does it have anything to do with stopping violent crime?
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the answer is no. we know what stops violent crime, which is intelligence-based, active policing. where you send the police into the areas where the intel is telling you that crime is spiking and they show the flag and get active and they infiltration gangs and that kind of stuff. if you are going to do that sort of thing, that will have a real impact on crime. if you are going to impose serial number requirements on the pieces of metal that get assembled to put guns together, good luck. it is not going to have anything to do with crime. >> bill: well, the new mayor says he will do something about that. we're waiting. hopefully with luck and hard work we'll get it done. global leaders under pressure to take a hard line against putin with the humanitarian crisis in ukraine. president biden meeting for one leader who refused to take a side in this war. will the president call him out? plus the u.s. grappling with a
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you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no.
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they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? >> the amount 20 pounds can kill half of new york city, half of los angeles, and orange county, california. my county, one half half times. >> bill: remarkable stuff. alarming detailings about a major drug bust in orange county as the d.e.a. sends out a warning on the nationwide spike in fentanyl overdoses. there have been at least seven confirmed mass overdose events in the u.s. in the past two months resulting in 58 overdoses and 29 deaths. want to bring in jacque berlinn.
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co-founder of mothers against drug deaths. we're reporting 58 people dead -- sorry, 58 people overdosed. 29 people have died in recent months in these mass fentanyl overdose incidents. i want to say we're doing better, jacque. it doesn't seem like we can say that now, can we? >> we're not doing better. i have been protesting fentanyl dealers and the fentanyl crisis since the beginning of 2021. and i have not seen any change. i've been trying to get our politicians to wake up and realize what a crisis this is. my son is an addict on the streets in san francisco. he is a fentanyl addict. my fear is that he will become a statistic. so i started this battle back in 2021 and i am not seeing the improvement that the american people need to see in order to battle this epidemic.
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>> bill: we just saw pictures of your son, corey, 31 and he is living on the streets of san francisco. how long has he been in that down and how much contact do you have with him? >> so he has been homeless on the streets in san francisco and addicted to fentanyl for a couple of years now. and he calls me every couple of weeks. we have tried to get him well but fentanyl is such a difficult drug to get free of we haven't been successful yet. >> bill: you have gone to san francisco often to look for him. do you find him? >> i do. sometimes i find him but it is more often than not i'm unable to find him. i find people that have seen him which is always helpful. but he moves around so it's not always an easy thing for me to find him. i do have friends in the city. when they find him they have him call me. >> bill: that's a heavy cross to carry. fentanyl deaths in 2018, 31,000.
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fentanyl deaths in 2019 -- these are not good numbers. >> they're not. my son has known numerous people who have overdosed on fentanyl. i know numerous parents who have lost their young children as young as 13 and 14 to fentanyl, pills made up to look like oxycodone or adderall on the children take them without knowing they are laced with fentanyl and they die. >> bill: fentanyl is cheap to manufacture. drug dealers lace the drugs with to give them their mass to fill them up. but the person taking it doesn't know what's inside of that, jacque. >> that's very true. the dealers did get my son adibted to fentanyl.
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he was originally a heroin addict and snuck the fentanyl into the heroin and he became addicted it to. it has been getting into many other drugs. my son told me that he is seeing new faces coming into the city buying fentanyl and bringing it out to the suburbs and also seeing younger people, many high school students coming in and using fentanyl. my concern is very real that this is spreading quickly. and we need to bring awareness and education. >> bill: thank you for bringing awareness today and welcome back to our program again. we are praying for you and corey, okay? maybe we can get a miracle come easter day, okay? jacque berlinn in seattle, thank you. >> dana: mixed messages coming from the white house as president biden gets ready to speak this morning with the indian prime minister. the virtual meeting comes as the u.s. presses leaders to take a harder line of russia for invading ukraine. welcome to a new hour of
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"america's newsroom." >> bill: good morning to you. good luck to jacque. what a tough story she has. meanwhile india's neutral position on the russia invasion raising concerns in washington the biden administration has yet to condemn india's deal to buy russian oil at a deep discount saying the u.s. will not set any red line for india's energy imports out of moscow. india has not sanctioned moscow or condemned the invasion. peter doocy beginning a brand-new week at the north lawn of the white house. more from there now. good morning. >> good morning. you hear marine one is landing on the south lawn. president biden is coming back from a weekend in delaware. he is getting ready to have a talk with a nuclear power that he thinks could be tougher on putin. india actually abstained from the vote last week to boot russia from the human rights council and president biden has been expressing his frustration with them for a couple weeks
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now. >> president biden: with the possible exception of india being somewhat shaky on some of this. japan has extremely strong as well as australia in terms of dealing with putin's aggression. >> the official line from the white house about today's call comes from jen psaki. she says president biden will continue our close consultations on the consequences of russia's brutal war against ukraine and mitigating its destabilizing impact on global food supply and commodity markets. that is diplomatic speak for india can expect to hear president biden complaining that they keep buying russian oil. three million barrels last month. they have 3.4 billion people and president biden has been trying to get them to an america-friendly worldview for months. >> president biden: as i think you know, mr. prime minister, i have long believed that the
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u.s./india relationship can help us solve an awful lot of global challenges. >> white house recently had a delegation travel to india to try to hash things out. president biden thinks now is the time to take things into his own hands. >> bill: we'll see you all week. peter doocy, good luck with the chopper. >> dana: let's say he has gone away for a day at an event and everybody is loose and then you hear him coming back. back home. straighten up, everybody. >> bill: "wall street journal." boris johnson went to kyiv over the weekend. amazing pictures with zelenskyy. a photo op if you like. this one matters. this solidarity sends an important political signal as european support. a new campaign in eastern ukraine unfolds. president biden please follow the prime minister and help
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ukraine win this war, not merely survive it. that whole idea about winning the war, dana, is being spoken more and more often and more and more corners. >> dana: i think general jack keane last hour talking about you have so many people especially in the administration it's amazing look what the ukrainians have done. true. they have a steep hill to climb and they are finding more atrocities every day. this will get worse before it gets better. also china celebrating the expansion of its nuclear war test. beijing now speeding up the construction of more than 100 missile silos that can house nuclear weapons capable of reaching the united states. all reportedly in an effort to deter the u.s. from getting directly involved with taiwan. mark meredith has the latest from the pentagon. >> good morning to you. as you know, the u.s. and china have seen tensions escalate in recent years and things have gotten worse, not better. a lot of concerns where china
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may go from here. the "wall street journal" piece suggesting china will expand its nuclear capabilities possibly as a way to deter the u.s. from getting involved with taiwan. it doesn't quote any chinese official by name but people familiar with government plans say there were efforts to speed up development of the top secret nuclear program in china. it reads among recent developments work has accelerated this year on more than 100 suspected missile silos in china's remote western reej oon that can be used to house nuclear missiles capable of reaching the u.s. the journal reports these decisions were made well before russia decided to invade ukraine. some foreign policy experts are warning this is all a troubling sign of where relations between china and the west are heading. >> under president xi they've become an expansionist country. one what clearly wants to control the world economically and are succeeding in many ways. i do think actually the biggest threat we face to our civilized
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is china, not putin. >> china's president warns the u.s. to tread carefully when it comes to all things taiwan. critics say now is the time to double down in showing china where the u.s. stands. >> how do we make sure that we do not make this mistake again? they should be supplying taiwan with weapons to defend themselves so china doesn't get the idea to enter taiwan. and this is the lesson that has to be learned. >> weapons aside, spokesperson for the chinese foreign ministry said last week they don't want to see the u.s. and taiwan talking. they want to condemn all communication between taipei and washington >> dana: we'll keep an eye on that as well. >> remember when joe biden said in the debates 18 months ago saying he didn't do anything wrong and hunter wasn't taking money from business interests with connection to china. there are 4. million reasons why that statement joe biden made was not accurate. we know he took 4.8 million
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from cefc, the chinese energy company. this ties in the entire family. >> bill: that's ohio republican jim jordan that reveals more text messages and emails from hunter biden's laptop appearing to show that hunter's access to opportunities came with expectations like handing over half as much earnings to his father and paying for some of his father's expenses. kimberly strassel and fox news contributor. some we've heard before and known before. we've reported it, the "new york post" certainly has reported it. others not so much. from january 2019, i hope you all can do what i did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. it is really hard but don't worry, unlike pop i won't make you give me half your salary. the suggestion he was giving
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some to his dad. what do you make of the new reporting from this weekend in the post? >> well, it matters because it gets to the crucial question which is the tie between hunter biden and joe biden, right? this has been the big thing people talking about whether or not hunter is corrupt and the federal government is looking into that. we have an investigation. the reason we're paying attention to hunter is because of the question of whether or not he was cashing in on his family's name and whether or not that has therefore exposed the white house and our current sitting president to any liability, whether extortion or counter intelligence threats and impossible to know that as long as the white house continues to insist that the president knew nothing of hunter's dealings even though we have a lot of growing evidence that suggests that was not necessarily the case. >> dana: also if you just -- it stands to reason that fathers want to help their sons, we get that. throughout hunter's life he has talked about it. a quote from hunter biden to
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the amtrak reform board on his drug arrest in 2006. i was cited for possession of a controlled substance. there was a pre-trial intervention and the record was expunged. additional example of hunter being helped by his dad. the president clinton pressing the dean of yale law to accept hunter. hunter getting a job with wnba. former biden campaign alum gets a job in the clinton administration and becomes of counsel at one of the biggest d.c. law firms. >> it strains ced you willty. we are meant to believe this family is very close. joe biden says how much he is involved in his son's life. at the same time we're meant to understand that he knew nothing about what hunter did on a day-to-day basis. also add in there remember, he was actually along with his father on various trips on air force 2 going around the world
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and engaging in business meetings while his dad was on political business. did they just not talk the whole time on the plane? it doesn't make any sense. the white house is starting to finally get some questions. it is still not offering any answers. >> dana: on that point, one part of the reporting i don't think we've seen enough of and i'm curious about is apparently the obama administration was concerned about the hunter connection and that stands to reason, i can imagine why. we haven't heard a lot of specifics on that. it is possible that would be in the federal investigation? >> yeah, it could be. we do actually have evidence of that. we have a report from senator ron johnson and chuck grassley. worth taking a look at. they go through all the different obama officials who voiced concerns and they have the records of all those messages and testimony talking about their issues with hunter's business dealings and how it was complicating their diplomatic efforts at the time. >> bill: last point.
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it seems as we try to make a connection if republicans take over the senate or house in the fall and conduct the hearings it seems as if the nut of all this is whether or not hunter and the current president had shared accounts. i don't know how you prove that. however, it has been reported through the post and others that four years ago hunter biden wired $25,000 to an escort in los angeles and immediately the secret service agents at his door. i believe at the hotel at that time, which would seem to suggest that the secret service agents were tipped off that the money came from joe biden's personal account. if you prove that where does that lead? >> well, it would be important, bill, because then it would again get to the truthfulness of the white house. i've seen a lot of people on the right talking about whether or not it is corrupt. i think it is important to remember the line between when vice president biden was in office and when he was not.
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there was a period when he was not when he would have been free to engage in business transactions. but if he has hid those and been untruthful about them that's something else, lying to the american public would be the importance of that. you know, we may get a glimpse of this before even house republicans take back over investigations because if any prosecutors are doing a good job in their own investigations as part of this probe on hunter biden's affairs that would be something that ought to come out. >> dana: indeed it probably will. the wheels turn every single day as the investigation continues. thank you, kim. >> thank you. >> dana: good to see you. you can imagine the white house just waiting every day for trying to stay focused on the job at hand but you know this investigation is hanging out there. >> bill: 12 past the hour now. >> dana: white house says president biden has no plans to visit ukraine. what message does that send to the world?
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>> bill: another state rolling out new sex education guidelines for children as young as 6 years old. what those lessons say and how parents are fighting back. >> dana: it could have a major impact on the mid-terms. how one group is turning frustration to political action. >> we keep saying 2022 is the year of the parent. we can't wait to see what the fall brings. financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners. you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash with your va home loan benefit. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow 100% of your home's value. upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with today's high home values, turning equity into
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>> bill: many states now challenging parental rights in their children's education. moms for liberty is looking to expand its influence into the mid-terms of more than 80,000 members spread across 34 states. how might it play out come november? mike emanuel has a track of that live in washington, d.c. mike, good morning. >> good morning. many parents are realizing they may have a lot more power than just at the local school board level. moms for liberty recently traveled to the florida state capital. the group started in wisconsin and quickly grew to more than 80,000 members in 34 states in the critical november mid-terms they intend to notify voters which candidates do not stand with parents and visits like this one are a visible show of force on this day about a parents' rights bill. >> and they brought 200 moms to the capital of florida to
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support house bill 1557 as it was passing the house floor. so they are getting really active and starting to do that in other states, too. we plan to have a big impact this fall. >> lots of parents wakened during the covid lockdown as children were home attending school on laptops. messages they plan to stay engaged and use their power. >> opened our eyes to the fact that we have to get involved in the way that we will get involved in the mid-terms is we are going to get out there and volunteer and show up and we are going to vote. the individuals that are not protecting our parental rights we're dedicated and we are organizing to vote them out of office. >> some of the parents are working in less visible ways behind the scenes. the different groups are promising we'll see their influence when voters decide the balance of power in congress in november. >> bill: from westfield, new
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jersey, our own mike emanuel. >> dana: new jersey is the latest state planning to teach young children about gender identity. the new guidelines in september include lessons for students starting in first grade. now with reaction is new jersey senator holly. what is your concern about this? >> thank you. i'm a mom myself and i got an email from my legislative office from concerned parents. i was lying in bed and start reviewing some of the stuff and started doing deeper and deeper dives into it. and it just goes way too far. we're teaching first graders, kindergartners that if you have a penis it doesn't mean you are a boy or vagina it doesn't mean are you a girl. in fifth grade we tell them
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about puberty blockers. we've lost our way in what we're trying to teach our children. >> dana: let m read from one of the lesson plans for first graders from pink, blue and purple lesson plan for first grade. gender identity is the feeling of knowing your gender. you might feel you are a boy and you might feel like you are a girl. you might feel like you are a boy even if you have body parts that some people tell you are girl parts and you might feel like a girl that people tell you are boy parts. chris christie was on brian kilmeade's radio show. former governor of new jersey. >> this is a further -- liberal policies of phil murphy in the progressive movement he is on the left of the progressive movement. this kind of stuff just should not be going on. >> dana: since it has come to light what have you heard from
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constituents to your office? >> it is amazing. i have had teachers, democratic teachers who have reached out and said thank you for exposing this. we don't want to teach this stuff. our children just lost two years of education. a lot of them are lagging and we need to focus on core things. providing support for children who are part of the lgbgt community. the far left has gone so extreme on this stuff that parents are fighting back. i have heard from people all over the state and as far away as australia. it is something that parents' voices need to be heard. >> dana: do you think it will go into effect or has phil murphy shown anything willingness to rethink this? >> well, this is part of what
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parents don't understand. these guidelines were implemented by an unelected state board of education and done administratively. now is the time that they have to stand up. they need to go to the board of education meetings and express what they think is appropriate and age appropriate for their children to be taught. i don't think the governor will back off of it because he prides himself as being uber progressive and it's uber progressive politics. >> dana: we'll stay in touch as it continues. >> bill: 24 past the hours. fox business investigation. you might have seen democrats grilling oil industry ceos on the record high gas prices last week. some lawmakers have owned and sold those very energy stocks. so what else did the investigation uncover? more democrats joining republicans in the push to keep the pandemic-era title 42 policy in place at the border.
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marc thiessen on that next. >> 60% of the men and women agents instead of being on the border, they are in border processing centers. you have a large number certainly we'll have catch and release. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur.
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>> dana: we have a bit of hypocrisy among congressional democrats. many grilled oil industry ceos and some of those lawmakers have owned and sold energy stocks. fox business's hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill. >> good morning. well, several democratic lawmakers have spent the last weeks demonizing big oil for passing some profits down to their shareholders. it turns out that several of those same lawmakers turned out to be shareholders themselves. >> you have big oil that is
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spending $44 billion in enriching their shareholders and enriching -- providing dividends. >> big oil is trying to keep supply low and prices high. >> the game big big oil is playing is nothing new. >> he has bought several shares of stocks and sold stock. the chair of the energy and commerce committee and they have had stock in chevron and dominion energy last summer. one senator served on the natural resource committee sold a quarter million dollars worth of chevron stock in 2021 and reported up to a million dollars if gains from exxonmobile stocks he hones. several others serving in congress also own energy stocks, many have reaped the
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dividends. some democrats want to push a windfall tax on oil company profits. tim stewart said this about the proposal. such a tax will do nothing to increase supply but take away our ability to reinvest in new production and infrastructure. it restricts our ability to return investment to those who invested in us first including pension and mutual funds and small investors and retirees who look to dividends to supplement their fixed income. dana, of course, some of these investments are seen as a big contradiction to what they are pushing for in terms of policy but also their public positions. many of these lawmakers present themselves as pushing for championing environmental policies and clean energy initiatives while then at the same time turning around and dumping their money into fossil fuel stocks. >> dana: interesting stuff. thank you so much.
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>> bill: from over the weekend british p.m. boris johnson making a surprise trip to ukraine. the white house says tt biden doesn't have plans to visit. marc thiessen, good morning to you on a monday. a couple things here. jake sullivan on "meet the press" on sunday was asked about the topic i'm about to ask you and here is how he answered it. >> president biden doesn't currently have plans to travel to kyiv but he sits in the oval office and situation room on a daily basis organizing and coordinating the world when it comes to the delivery of weapons. >> bill: that from sullivan. ukraine ministry of defense says this is what democracy looks like and what courage looks like. this is what true friendship between peoples and between nations looks like. the obvious question, should and would he go? i guess he could. they won't tell us in advance obviously.
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should he? >> he should. look, first of all the images of boris johnson doing that walkaround were amazingry minding me of churchill walking through london during the blitz. the prime ministers of poland, slovenia and czech republic visited. boris johnson has visited and joe biden spent his weekend in delaware while boris johnson was the kyiv. of course he should go. i would be happy if he didn't go and just send the weapons zelenskyy is asking for. zelenskyy was just on 60 minutes begging for weapons. he said last week. who is running nato? russia? they have all these weapons sitting in warehouses gathering dust and they won't give them to us. if joe biden doesn't have the courage to go to kyiv then at least have the courage to send the mig 29s and the courage to
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send the stingers and javelins in the quantities he is asking for. have the courage to have tanks and all the things and stop worrying about angering or provoking russia because he seems more concerned about proper vehicleing russia than winning the war. >> bill: his administration is pushed how much aid we'll give ukraine. >> i think the administration has gotten better but pushed every step of the way to get more aggressive sooner. but they still don't understand the goal. the goal is for ukraine to win. >> bill: that whole winning message comes up in a lot of different circles more often than it did at the beginning. keep an eye on that. title 42. it will be repealed apparently on may 23, maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't. there are so far eight democratic senators, the list now, that have said keep it in place right now at the border. there are at least three house members on the democratic side who said the same thing.
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one henry cuellar. his district borders mexico and said this about title 42. >> it is mixed messages with all due respect. how can we be adding billions of dollars for covid vaccines or helping restaurants but saying at the border everything is fine? that's a mixed message. again there will be a large number of people that will be continuing to come in. >> bill: 16,000 a day, something like that? you have to wear a mask on a plane. think about the covid outbreak in washington over the past two weeks. does it make sense or do you see a softening of this position? >> he is 100% correct. two issues. one democrats need to decide are we in a covid emergency or not? if we have to wear masks on planes and all international air passengers have to present a negative covid test like they do today and asking for emergency covid resistance
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apparently we're in a covid emergency except on the border. we can't lift it on the border and not for the rest of us. why are we so reliant on 42? a health measure shouldn't be the difference between us having an open border or not. they lifted the remain in mexico policy and lifted the safe third country agreements with countries in central america. the only thing keeping us from having another million people a year surging across the border is title 42. a health measure should not be what prevents us from having open borders. the fact that we're so overly reliant on title 42 shows what an absolute disaster their border policies are. >> bill: i sense wiggle room. we'll see whether we're right before the 23rd of may. marc thiessen in washington >> dana: we love to be right. actor johnny depp facing off against his ex wife in a virginia courtroom.
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they are staking their careers and reputations on a high court case. seattle pushes for social justice more transit riders are refusing to pay their fair share of the fare. >> you enforce the fares. folks need to pay and need to be checked. if they haven't paid they need to be issued a ticket. ♪♪♪ ♪ come on and take a free ride ♪ eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health.
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before i went to aspen dental, one gram of sugar, i had a lot of infection going on and i was having extractions done on a traditional, regular basis. when terry first came in, he wanted a long term solution, and that's something we were able to offer him. their care, their consideration, their empathy, all of that. i can't say enough about. absolutely hands down, aspen dental changed my life. at aspen dental, our team of denture experts will do anything to make you smile. schedule your complimentary denture consultation today. large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written a ballot proposal to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless, but read the fine print. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state
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and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us.
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the push to decriminalize fare evasion in seattle has the rapid transit system on the verge of bankruptcy. what's up, dan? >> if it wasn't for taxpayers this system in the seattle area would be bankrupt because up to 70% of those people riding are not paying costing taxpayers, ripping them off to the tune of tens of millions of dollars a year and leaders seem to be okay with it calling it social justice. the board set a firm goal that 40% of the operating budget would be covered by fare revenue. this year they are expecting fares to cover just 5% of operating costs.
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the biggest reason, fare evasion. people riding the system for free without any accountability. there are no gates, no turnstiles. people are supposed to buy a ticket or tap their payment card when they get on the train and when they get off. that's not happening a majority of the time. fare revenue dipped to $30 million in 2020. the pandemic is only part of the story. >> fare collection system relies on an honor system and our acute problem is our riders aren't honoring the system. >> here is the catch. there is pretty much zero enforcement. no police or fare officers. they use what they call fare ambassadors. they only contact 2% of riders if someone hasn't paid. ask for identification. 76% don't show any which means there is no warning or fine down the road. the people are allowed to stay on the train. all this done because black people were getting fined at greater rates than white riders. critics say it is part of a
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larger problem. >> what we're seeing here in seattle is the systematic decrimelization of everything from fare recovery to failure to register as a sex offender and using the guise of equity in social justice so there is no enforcement of law. what you get is higher crime and you get more fare evasion. >> so who is paying? well, taxpayers to the tune of $168 billion so far for this light rail system increasingly paying for those who won't. bill. >> bill: wow, remarkable stuff. good luck in seattle, dan. dan springer in the pacific northwest. >> dana: starting today actor johnny depp suing his ex wife claiming she defamed him in 2019 at the height of the #metoo movement. jury selection is getting underway today. heather hanson.
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a snippet from the op-ed that led him to filing this lawsuit. two years ago i became a public figure representing domestic abuse and i felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out. i had the rare vantage point of seeing in realtime how institutions protect men of abuse. johnny depp is saying that won't stand. what should we know about this case? >> as you read there is no specific reference to johnny depp. she never uses his name. there is enough facts there to say this is about johnny depp. he says this is untrue. what she said about him that he has a domestic abuser is false and now he has to prove it in court. a lot of he said, she said testimony. we can expect them both to testify and claim that the other was abusive. >> dana: depp has filed a lawsuit on this before against a media company. tell us more about that. >> that was in london. he did file this before.
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decided by a judge not the jury. different evidence was presented. he lost in that case. it was a surprise to him. the libel laws in the u.k. are more plaintiff oriented than in the united states. i think johnny depp is really determined to have this case played out to make his case to call his witnesses and working to prove this not only because he believes that he is right but also because it has had an impact on his career. she counter sued. this will be a huge case for boat -- both of them. >> dana: why would he have filed the case in virginia? >> he filed it in virginia for a couple of reasons. number one, it has the best libel laws for him. something of a slap statute, anti-slap statute that protects first amendment rights in a situation like this something that is a public interest like domestic violence. virginia's laws are the most permissive for him and i wonder
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if there isn't some part of him it wants it played out. amber heard tried to get the case transferred to california. not successful and why we'll be able to watch this case and the testimony and all of the interesting witnesses over the next six weeks. >> dana: some of the interesting witnesses could include elon musk, rawling. anyone else? >> i think that those are probably the major names. we'll hear text messages between johnny depp and various heads of studios in hollywood between depp and heard and domestic violence experts and forensic experts. he claims the photos of her injuries were doctored. it will be a long trial with lots of experts and interesting testimony. >> dana: heather hanson catching us up on the trial starting today with jury selection. >> bill: how do you solve the homeless crisis in san francisco? elon musk has an idea.
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stay tuned. plus political biases everywhere even in your own email account. jimmy failla has some thoughts on that. >> dana: there he is. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. ♪ ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? what if it's a company of people working beside friends and neighbors? pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. aiming to protect, manage or restore millions of acres of land.
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>> harris: boris johnson walked the streets of ukraine's capital in the middle of the war. elon musk bringing the heat to twitter about free speech. the democrat lawmaker calling the republican party a cult. the house and senate elections is getting ugly. general david petraeus, will cain and others top of the hour. >> bill: parents growing increasingly frustrated with a shortage of baby formula. supply chain issues have made it difficult for stores to keep up with demand.
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now the discovery of a food-born pathogen is recalling some formulas. another blow to retailers and the fda is increasing efforts to restock its shelves. >> dana: a new study suggests email spam filter might be politically biased. g-mail was 50% more likely to block republican than democratic emails. what are we to make about all this? here is jimmy failla. i don't know, emails are annoying anyway. so what do you think? >> i'm of two minds. i've sent emails that i wish were recalled. the email after happy hour. if you really think these filtering of emails was a big deal with fundraising but see how they filtered up hunter biden's emails. no one could convince me that
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there is -- this is a coincidence. we've seen so many efforts at censorship by big tech companies that seem to lean one way. i would have a hard time buying in this randomly based on user interaction decided to make a fundraising email. >> bill: ox yosemite is making the point a lot of these emails are to raise money. >> thank you. pivotal part of the game. >> something going on here? >> two versions of money. one is republican fundraising. two is these are companies who have done a pretty good job as employees of fundraising for the democratic party. a lot of them donate to liberal causes. i definitely think you are looking at a game where the referees for one reason or another -- >> bill: some said we have debunked the suggestion that surfaced periodically for many years, end quote.
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>> dana: woke up this morning and found out musk said i don't want to be on the twitter board. what do you think happened there? >> two things. first it reads like an impulse buy. he has that kind of money. we can come home drunk and buy a set of steak knives. >> bill: do you know what his net worth is today? $274 billion. >> thank you. for that reason he can come by on a whim and buy 9% of twitter. he bought 8.29 billion worth of twitter. he may be playing a long game. it capped off his percentage of ownership of shares if he is on the board. if he is not on the board he can buy whatever he wants. if he is playing a long game to carry more influence as a shareholder he has a bigger up side here. the other theory, maybe he spent five minutes with the board and i can't take these woke people. >> dana: he might have heard there would be a mass
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resignation. the ceo's statement says i think this was a good decision. >> it's a win/win, think about it. >> dana: musk tweeted this. convert twitter san francisco headquarters to homeless shelter since no one shows up anyway. >> can we take it a step further? i say we let the homeless run twitter. they can't do any worse than the people are in there now. twitter is a fight club for people who don't want to get hit. tweet anything and it's like i hate you. >> bill: it was five years ago he was doing things in the test la. he could be a pain in the back side of people in twitter for a long time to come. >> they said don't sit on the board and carry your influence that way. we won't have to deal with the internal strife of you being a board member. >> bill: i thought the ceo of twitter took a shot at musk in
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his statement when he said the background check. put a little bit out there. >> dana: this is not going to -- >> a little nudge. >> dana: we need the show silicon valley to come back. >> sorry to wake you up early. you have to start the week sometime. >> dana: i'm looking forward to the rivalry. all right. >> bill: fox across america with jimmie live weekdays on the fox news app or any time across fox check it out. thank you, jimmie. >> dana: we have this. before we go. we asked you to send us funny pictures of your pet. you did not disappoint. this guy chilling out watching "america's newsroom." look at his ears. >> bill: that's channel 4 in new york just so you know. we ask for videos and we got a good one. this one is on fox news. >> dana: on the screen is
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patriot. he finds mines in ukraine to help people stay safe as russians flee. this dog. >> bill: another reminder we take all viewers. >> dana: so tag us on you are instagram pictures and we may feature you. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: news fox alert. president biden is way behind on the leadership curve on the world stage. boris johnson put biden in his shadow. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". the british prime minister made a surprise trip to the ukrainian capital. the world and most likely russian war monger putin could see johnson walking defiantly with zell through the streets of kyiv. our president, the white house says no plans for him to go. you will recall when biden was


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